Privacy Policy
Intellectual Copyright
The information displayed on any page of our website is protected by the copyright and other intellectual laws. Therefore, no one is allowed to modify, publish, repost or any other way exploit of the content.
Give Approval After Understanding Our Policies
Before giving any approval makes sure you read the privacy policies carefully and in case you use our website or submit any information via this website, so, you consent to the collection and disclosure of information.
What Kind Of Information We Collect
To get connected with our clients and to start their work, we may collect the information including:
- Name and job title
- Contact information, including phone number, email address
- Demographic information, including postcode, address etc.
- Any other information as per the need of the project
We require all this information to understand what you are expecting from our company, so, we can take our actions in order to provide you the best services.
Any Change To This Policy
Please be sure to check the privacy policies periodically to inform yourself of any changes. We reserve all the rights to modify this privacy policy.
Please read and understand our privacy policy prior to making a payment. Still, if you have any doubt, feel free to call us.